
Earl meeting baby AbigailJohn 3:14-16

John 3:1-8


Anyone who has witnessed the birth a baby has truly seen a miraculous sight. I was so fortunate to be able to help with the delivery of my 3 children.   I cut the umbilical cords for all of them.


But for the last two: Becky and Scott, each doctor allowed me to completely deliver them as he stood behind me. He also told me that I had to follow his instructions to the letter or he would push me out of the way. So I must have done ok because the doctor and nurses never even touched my children until I handed them over to them. I wouldn’t have missed these experiences for anything.


So I feel that I am somewhat qualified to say that the entrance of a new person into this world is nothing short of a dramatic miracle. Few things witness stronger of God’s creative work and His presence in our lives. Each person has 7 trillion cells, all working together as one person. I couldn’t help but shout when my first child came, even in front of all the nurses and doctor I yelled, “Praise the Lord! It’s a boy!”


And when little Becky came, I was overcome with tears, because I knew I didn’t deserve such a beautiful blessing from God. Finally when Scott came, I was so proud of him, that I carried him around the floor showing him off to everyone. Other women in the midst of their own labors must have heard me calling out his birth weight: 9 lbs 6 ozs! (I guess I should have been a little more sensitive.)


Yet as excited as I was at the births of my children, I know that the angels in heaven rejoice even more when someone is spiritually “Reborn.” Jesus said that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. God, as our heavenly Father rejoices and is proud when He sees the spiritual birth of any of His children. “Reborn.” Let us pray…. (Click on title above to see the rest of the message)