Love In Deed is Love Indeed

Love in deed is love indeedI John 4:19-21

I John 3:11-18

“Love In Deed is Love Indeed”


In one of the greatest musicals ever written, “My Fair Lady,” Eliza was courted by Freddy, who writes to her daily of his love for her. But Eliza’s response to his constant notes eventually becomes a cry of frustration.

“Words! Words! I’m so sick of words!

Don’t talk of stars

Burning above,

If you’re in love,

Show me!

Don’t talk of love lasting through time.

Make me no undying vow

Show me now!”


Eliza needed more than mere words to prove a loving relationship. We all do. She was right. Words alone are not enough. We need kindness, acts of compassion and grace. Real love must be demonstrated. Jesus talked about love, but He also demonstrated love by His actions. In Romans 5:8 we read, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” And so John wrote in his universal epistle to every follower of Jesus, “Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” “Love in Deed is Love Indeed.” Let us pray…


Oxford scholar Dr. Robin Lane Fox noted about the Christians of the 1st century, “To the poor, the widows and orphans, Christians gave alms and support, like the synagogue communities, their forerunners. This ‘brotherly love’ has been minimized as a reason for turning to the Church, as if only those who were members could know of it. In fact it was widely recognized. When Christians were in prison, fellow Christians gathered to bring them food and comforts: Lucian, the pagan satirist, was well aware of this practice. When Christians were brought to die in the arena, the crowds, said Tertullian, would shout, ‘Look how these Christians love one another!’  Christian love was public knowledge and must have played its part in drawing outsiders to the faith.” Pagans and Christians: In the Mediterranean World from the Second Century AD to the Conversion of Constantine (New York: HarperCollins, 1988), p. 324.


The early followers of Jesus loved each other not just by word or in theory, but in practice and in acts of mercy and kindness.  They were living out Jesus’ words, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  They cared for each other like members of an extended family.  The Roman world had no doubt of their sincere affection.  They proved their love by their deeds.


How do Christians show Christ’s love for each other today?  (Click  on title above to see the rest of the message)