Arriving in the Name of the Lord

Zechariah 9:9

Matthew 21:1-11

Arriving in the Name of the Lord

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The significance of the events that led up to, and include the resurrection of Jesus Christ, cannot be overemphasized.  Today marks the beginning of Jesus’ final week on earth.  This week is known as “Holy Week.”  It is called Holy because of the astounding and divine events that happened in Jesus’ last days.


And these last days began with His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  He came to His people in the name of the Lord.  But what does it mean that Jesus arrived in the name of the Lord?  What difference does Jesus’ triumphant entry make to us 2,000 years later?  “Arriving in the Name of the Lord.”   Let us pray…


In Bethany, people who had attended the funeral of a man named Lazarus, now saw him alive again.  Jesus had raised Lazarus out of a cold, dark tomb.  The news quickly spread beyond Bethany to Jerusalem, which was less than 2 miles away.  So people in and around Jerusalem heard about a spectacular report of a prophet from Nazareth who was a miracle-worker.  The enthusiasm grew and the expectations for Jesus’ arrival into the Holy City began to take on messianic and political ramifications.


Perhaps people’s thinking went something like this.  Roman soldiers die in battle, but they were never brought back to life.  Even Caesars who claim to be gods, pass away.  What power on earth is stronger than death?  Whatever power on earth that commands death can command Rome!  Surely any man who had the power and authority to raise the dead could destroy a Roman legion.  Maybe this man Jesus, is our long awaited Messiah!


Slowly, majestically, Jesus came riding on a donkey towards Jerusalem.  He came up from the Kidron Valley through the Golden Gate or otherwise known as the Eastern Gate.  It is the only gate of 8 that is sealed today.  Throngs of people threw down palm branches and their outer cloaks before Him as a royal carpet.  Even the children were squealing with excitement as they cried out, “Hosanna!  Hosanna!”


But we must know what Hosanna means.  It means, “Save us now!”  “Grant us salvation!”  The children and adults were crying out for Jesus to rescue them from their unbearable oppressors.  Save us now!  Save us now!


The people who were following and leading Jesus’ procession suddenly remembered the Psalms, and they raised their voices up into that pure azure sky and shouted, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!”


So what does Jesus’ arrival in the name of the Lord mean for you and me?  (Click on the title above to see the rest of the message)
CPC Easter Ad 2015The sermon for Easter Sunday is entitled, “The Living Hope.”  What are the proofs of Christ’s resurrection?  Do we have good grounds for believing in life after death?  How can the resurrection change our lives?  I hope to see you and your family on Easter Sunday at Charleston Presbyterian!


In Christ,

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