With Wings Like Eagles

Hebrews 12:1-3

Isaiah 40:28-31

With Wings Like Eagles

Waiting for the flock to arrive
Waiting for Jesus’ flock to arrive

In the Wizard of Oz, after a long journey towards Emerald City along the yellow brick road, Dorothy and her companions were confronted with a field of poppies and the wicked witch’s sleeping spell. Even with Emerald City within sight, they could not go on. They were so tired that they just had to lie down and rest, but what they didn’t know was that they were in a field of poison. They thought they needed just a few winks, but if they had slept, it would have been permanent!

Fortunately Glinda, the good witch of the North, saw their predicament and caused it to snow, which broke the evil spell. They awoke with a new determination and energy to go on. And they joyfully made it to the huge doors of the majestic city. As the song declared, “You’re out of the woods, you’re out of the dark, you’re out of the night. Step into the light, step into the light. March up to the door and bid it open, open, open.”

The Christian life has often been compared to a journey – even a narrow road that leads to the gates of a heavenly city. Jesus said that the way to life is narrow and difficult. There are many temptations and dangers along the way. And one of the most common dangers in Christianity is weariness: the feeling that we are worn out – that we have had enough. The journey is exhausting, and we are tempted to permanently rest from our trek towards His Kingdom.   Unfortunately many Christians do grow weary and fall asleep along the way. We discover only too late that we have believed the lies of Satan and have given up our quest altogether. Our narrow road then ends in a field of poppies atop a hill of ignorance while just beyond, lies waiting the magnificent gates of the Kingdom of God.

The great prophet Isaiah, who spoke for the Lord, said that even “youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly.” We can’t count on youthfulness and health and natural energy to always keep us going. We can’t make it in our own strength alone. Isaiah prophesied, “Yet those who wait (or hope) in the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings or pinion feathers, (flight feathers) like eagles.”  “With Wings Like Eagles” Let us pray…  (Click on title to see the rest of the sermon)